Dans un monde de plus en plus numérique, il est primordial de veiller à ce que les documents soient inclusifs et accessibles. L’accessibilité n’est pas seulement une exigence légale ; c’est un impératif moral qui garantit que chacun, quelles que soient ses capacités, peut accéder à l’information et en tirer profit. Un webinaire sur l’inclusion […]
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This webinar explores how radical editing can help mitigate the creation and perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. We begin by exploring one specific stereotype perpetuated by Canadian media and the resulting fear of the other. I define Islamophobia and explore how it is expressed in words and actions in Canada. I then provide the current legal […]
This webinar will answer questions attendees might have about alt text and its current use in multiple contexts to enable accessibility for different types of content. The presentation will define alt text, provide an overview of who might use alt text and why and introduce guidelines on composing alt text. Whose job is it to […]
Editors are often responsible for creating final documents for users. This session explores how we can make Microsoft Office documents more accessible.
Learn how, why, and where to use descriptive transcripts and make the most of your media!
Accessibility measures work best when they are embedded in content from the start. This series of webinars examines the accessibility considerations that editors are most likely to come across in their work.