Many of us use Word regularly. But are we using it efficiently? Learn practical tips to help you become more efficient with Microsoft Word for Windows.
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Is impact accepted as a verb? Why are prevent and avoid so often confused? Is it okay to verbify? This webinar examines these and other usage questions and problems. We'll examine usage issues affecting today’s speech, journalism, and other writing. We’ll also examine the top five usage myths, discuss the best resources for clearing up usage questions, and—of course—practise.
As a result of attending the session, attendees will be able to format slides to enhance learning, and to improve visuals.
As a result of attending this session, attendees will be able to optimize their process when landed with a document that needs more than they have time to accomplish.
How do I know if I need an editor? What type of editing do I need? Where can I find an editor? How do I know they’re qualified? If you’re a novice writer, these are only a few of the questions you may be asking yourself. But not to worry, in this webinar Lynne Melcombe will answer all of these questions and more, including how to determine whether you should hire an editor and what to expect when you do.
This webinar picks up where Paul Beverley’s previous webinar "Macros for Editors: Beginners' Basics" left off. Now that you've learned to install macros and use them to analyse documents to find inconsistencies, you’ll learn how to put that information to good use to make global changes to a document before you start reading. Cleaning up a document beforehand will improve your editing speed and allow you to focus more on the meaning and flow of sentences, resulting in a better edit.
Feeling lost when it comes to editing maps? Laura Edlund will help you find your way. With over 20 years of experience working on publications with maps, Laura will show you how to critically examine and proofread different types of maps. The webinar will cover map conventions and applicable resources, how maps relate to surrounding text, how to develop requirements for creating maps, and more.
If you're comfortable copy editing text but aren't as confident when it comes to visual elements, then this introductory webinar is for you! Focusing on Professional Editorial Standard D12, Robin Marwick will teach you everything you need to know to ensure that all visuals are consistent across a document. This includes tables, graphs, headings, image caption styles, numbering, and more.
Macros can often be an editor’s best secret weapon by increasing your editing speed and consistency, but not everyone is familiar with how to install and use them. This introductory webinar aims to make macros accessible to anyone and everyone by showing you how to install and start using macros right away. You’ll learn how to analyse documents to reveal inconsistencies, how to use macros to speed up the editing process, and how to make global changes to documents before you start editing.
From marketing to safety documentation and huge reports, the science of readability can help deliver messages directly to readers more effectively.
Copyediting fiction is like being the continuity director for a film, watching for little mistakes that pull readers out of the story. In this session, we’ll discuss (1) language bloopers: pet phrases, sound bloopers, danglers, redundancy; (2) action bloopers: Chekhov’s gun, drop-in characters, bad scene breaks, remembered elements, “As you know, Bob…”; and (3) factual bloopers: physics, body position/parts, anachronisms, geography, deliberate obfuscation, and just generally How Things Work.
What you learned in English class will help you with syntax about as much as what you learned in driving lessons will help you with mechanics—you get by fine until one day you find yourself stopped in the middle of a sentence with smoke coming out from under the hood. In this webinar, we're going to learn how to take apart sentences the way a mechanic takes apart an engine.